COVID-19 Updates

November 25, 2022


Face Masks are encouraged and appreciated in the public spaces of our building, but we are no longer mandating them. We will still have masks available on-site, and we strongly encourage any players who are symptomatic or feeling unwell to wear them.


July 23, 2022


We are continuing to require properly worn masks in the public spaces of the building, such as the lobby, at all times. Players may remove masks inside game rooms if desired. Thank you for your understanding!


March 23, 2022


We are continuing to require properly worn masks in the public spaces of the building, such as the lobby, at all times. Thank you for your understanding!


August 20, 2021


Due to the recent surge in cases and the rise of the Delta Variant, we are now asking all players, regardless of vaccination status, to wear masks inside the game rooms. Thanks for your help in keeping our community and staff safe!

Thanks! Chris & Anne


June 12, 2021


Starting this weekend, we are updating our mask policy as follows: Masks are required for all players and staff while in the lobby and public spaces. Fully vaccinated players may remove masks while inside the game rooms. Thanks for continuing to help keep our players and staff safe!

Best, Chris & Anne


May 16, 2021


We understand the CDC has issues updated guidance on mask-wearing for vaccinated people. Currently, our staff members are not yet fully vaccinated, so we are not changing our mask policy at this time. We plan to re-evaluate our policy in early June, and will post here when that happen. Thank you for helping to keep our CU Adventures community safe and healthy!

In more positive news, we have removed the 6-player and same-household requirements from our booking process!

Thanks! Chris & Anne


January 18, 2021


With Region 6 of Illinois moving back into Tier 1 mitigation, we are now allowed to reopen. However, due to safety concerns, we are implementing the following temporary changes to our booking policy:

  • Most importantly, masks are still required to be worn properly at all times for all players and staff, even while inside the game room.
  • We have reduced the maximum group size to 6 players for all of our games.
  • We are asking all groups to only book games with members of their household.
  • All bookings will continue to be private games.


Thanks! -Chris & Anne


November 19, 2020


Due to Illinois moving into Tier 3 mitigation, we will be closed for in-person games until further notice. Thanks and stay safe!



Chris & Anne




November 14, 2020


Due to the increased spread of COVID-19 in the area, we are no longer accepting any new bookings at this time. We are currently planning to honor any previously made bookings; however, this may change if a stay-at-home order is issued. If you have a booking with us and wish to reschedule or cancel, please contact us by email.

In the meantime, please check out our at-home escape game offerings! We'll be adding more soon. Stay safe, and we'll see you all again very soon!



Chris & Anne




November 6, 2020

Greetings adventures! We haven't done the best job of keeping this page updated, so here's our current status:

-CALLING ALL VILLAINS and REVENGE OF THE CABIN are both open regularly.

-THE WIZARD'S CURSE is open for limited bookings.

-We are continuing to mandate masks during the ENTIRE experience, and we are sanitizing props and touchable surfaces between every game.

-Only one group is scheduled to be in the lobby at a time. If you arrive significantly early, please check to make sure the lobby is empty before entering the building.

-Our "at-home" games, THE LOST TEMPLE and FLOOR 13 continue to be available for $10 for unlimited players!

-We are planning to release additional at-home products for the holiday season!


Chris & Anne



June 30, 2020

Greetings adventurers!

CU Adventures has missed you! With Illinois now in Phase 4, escape rooms are now allowed to open. However, the spread of COVID-19 remains a threat, and the safety of our employees and players is our highest priority.

Keeping this in mind, we’re slowly reopening in-person games starting July 3. We will be modifying many of our procedures during this time, including the following:

-Only CALLING ALL VILLAINS will be open starting July 3. Additional escape rooms may reopen in the coming weeks.

-All games will be guaranteed private bookings, with a slightly different pricing structure.

-All players and staff must wear masks for the entire duration of the experience. This includes check-in, the entirety of the game, and check-out. We are extremely serious about this requirement.

-Players will be asked to remain outside until their start time, and only one group will be allowed inside the building at a time.

-We will have fewer games available per day, as we will require additional time between games for deep cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces and props.

We’re sure there will be some other changes as we figure out what works best for our staff and players. We are committed to reacting to the reality of the situation as it changes, so we are prepared to close in-person games if we cannot run them safely. Let us know if you have any questions, thank you for helping us keep CU Adventures a safe environment, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

All our best,
Chris & Anne Lukeman
Owners, CU Adventures




June 6, 2020

We've been getting a lot of calls asking when we'll be reopening. We love our fans' enthusiasm, and we miss you all!  As indoor entertainment, our understanding is that we will be part of Phase 4 in the Restore Illinois plan. Therefore, we expect that the earliest we'd be able to reopen is early July, but there's no exact date set.

When we have firmer details on a reopening date, we'll update our website and Facebook page with information on what games will be available, changes to our booking and pricing structures, and new policies to ensure player and gamemaster safety.

We hope everyone's been staying safe, and we look forward to seeing you again!

Chris & Anne




March 20, 2020


Today the Governor announced a "shelter in place" directive, asking non-essential business to close and for residents to stay at home until April 7. As such, we are now no longer accepting any new bookings for the foreseeable future. We will be reaching out to anyone currently booked for a game in April for refunds or credits to a future game.

In the meantime, we are working on new ways that we at CU Adventures can connect with you at home, and we'll be updating you about those as soon as possible.


Thank you for your patience, and stay safe out there!

Anne & Chris





March 15, 2020


In light of a COVID-19 case being confirmed in Champaign-Urbana, we are closing off all new bookings until March 31.

Any bookings already on the calendar can proceed as planned if desired; however, we will be reaching out to all existing bookings during this time period to offer them a refund or reschedule.

Stay healthy out there, and we'll see you next time you're ready to SAVE THE WORLD!


Chris and Anne
CU Adventures



March 12, 2020


Greetings adventurers!

We thought it would be a good time to clarify and update our policy on rescheduling and refunds in light of COVID-19. If you know you aren't going to be joining us, please let us know as early as possible, preferably by email.

Our refund policy has been adjusted to 24 hours in advance. Email or call us at least 24 hours in advance of your booking. If this isn’t feasible, please contact us as early as possible and we’ll do whatever we can!

If you need to change your plans with less than 24 hours notice, or if only part of your group cancels, we are happy to issue a credit for a future adventure. These credits will never expire. Please try to give us as much notice as possible.

Private adventures:
We normally offer private games at no extra cost for all groups of 4 or more. In light of the virus, we are moving to exclusively private games at no additional cost.

We're not going to lie, this kind of prolonged emergency is especially hard on a small business like ours. We are doing everything we can to take care of our staff and make sure they get paid time off and hours as needed. If you do need to cancel, please be understanding when possible about refunds vs future credit.

That being said, if you are feeling sick or are a high risk patient, please do not go on an adventure! We are happy to see you in the future - our games aren't going anywhere.

Though we always strive to keep our games clean, we are committing extra staff to help sanitize the game rooms between every group. We are committed to keeping our location clean and safe.

Stay healthy out there, and we'll see you next time you're ready to SAVE THE WORLD!

Chris and Anne
CU Adventures